Our yacht Romana III is available for you all year round. Therefore, in January, a training course for instructors from the OpenSailing sailing school took place on our board. We were visited by experienced team, who constantly focus on development and self-improvement. The instructors widened their view, have acquired new skills and at the same time visited and had a chance to see the beautiful corners of Croatia from the sea perspective. Thank you for a wonderful cruise, it is a pleasure to host such a friendly crew.
But winter is over, so it’s time to think about summer, sunshine and holidays. Our yacht offers many opportunities – from training courses, business meetings, team-building trips to a family holiday vacation. Mediterranean shipping offers great views, a warm and mild climate, and delicious cuisine. Each port, bay or island is a new adventure. Swimming in the sea is at your fingertips, and we stop wherever you want to stay longer.
The sun, a large dose of knowledge and fantastic experiences are included in the package. All available dates can be found on the website. If you have any questions, please contact us via our contact form. We will answer all your questions, we will help you organize a charter – from planning the cruise route to assistance in booking airline tickets. Make a reservation today, so you won’t miss the date that suits you. Srdačno vas pozdravljamo – WeeLoveYachting Team